Monday, July 30, 2007

Virgin trip to Borders

280707 Saturday. Was due to meet May a.k.a. potat at Berjaya Times Square at 12 noon. As I had time to spare, I went on my virgin trip to Borders bookstore. Hey, it's not that surprising considering my numbered (2, actually) visits to BTS were probably 2 years ago, and each making a discovery of how much the mall fell short of expectations.

Hehe... was pretty excited about Borders actually. Entered it smiling like a child let loose in a pool of ice-cream in her favourite flavour. I let myself wander around, not really browsing through the books but more so to 'feel' the place. I liked the quotes they put on the walls above, about books. I remembered one, "I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman" by Virginia Woolf.

The store was smaller than what I anticipated. It was spacious though, with books placed at shelves/ display tables widely spaced for viewing pleasure. And perhaps it lessens the feeling that someone's looking over your shoulder? Haha. They had U-shaped pockets on both sides of the walls, each housing a different category of books. And of course, the seats placed for people to lose themselves in an imaginary world of a literary work of their choice. I also wandered to the 2nd floor, which was comparatively quieter than below. Which was why when I answered the phone, I felt like I had to whisper. Hah.

So... pictures. Only had the VGA camera on my phone; here goes:

The 'pockets' with seats, housing different categories.

Display tables of the latest promotions

Escalator leads to 2nd floor

And in view of the latest war on prices for a certain book made fun of as 'Harry Ploper':

The fate of the 6th book after 2 years.

Hmm... what price can I get the 7th after 2 years, I wonder? =P

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