Thursday, August 07, 2008

The Rain and After

wishing for a story
a romance to unfold
a kiss so magical as to lift one off her feet
whisking her into happiness beyond the stars

her heart beat
so quickly she felt it would burst
she smiled
she ran and chased
like a butterfly after a whiff of flowers

but before she could reach
to touch if it was real
the fragrance faded
then she only smelt
the scent of rain and after

her wings drooped
she rested
the fragrance was gone
never to be found

she thought she caught a note
maybe here, no, there
she skipped
but her heart knew
its key and print
was not in the air
nor anywhere near her

but wait
what was that -
her wings raised
poised to take flight

in search of that elusive magic
her heart beat quicker
and she smiled like never before
but she took two steps forward
and then one step backward

though she tried
she flitted and danced around
alas! it was not meant for her
magic ran to another

rain fell
harder and stronger
it broke her wings
pierced her heart and wrung it dry

she lay
covered, battered
showered by the drops of rain
bathed in the scent
of rain and after

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