Thursday, August 19, 2010

From Shatin, Hong Kong

Checking in from Shatin, Hong Kong so that people back home won't think that I've forgotten them :P

After packing, putting clothes into vacuum bags, taking them out to repack, and doing stuff like this:
Giving teddy a bath before his journey with me. He doesn't look too happy about it...
I am now safely in Hong Kong. And I say safely because... it was quite exciting at the airport yesterday. When I took a boarding pass, I only spared it a glance without taking in any important details. And those who sent me off knows about how we took out own sweet time saying goodbyes. 

Then I finally looked properly at my boarding pass as I walked towards the departure gate. "Boarding gate closes 20 minutes before departure time." My flight was at 4.40 p.m.

It was 4.17 pm.

I brisk walked to the Immigration counter. Thank the Lord that there were no people for Malaysian passports. I heard them announcing "Final call for..." Once I was cleared, I ran down all the way and across the hall to the T9 boarding gate.

Phew! I made it, with a deserved back pain after the running with a heavy laptop bag on my back.


After approximately 3 hours and 45 minutes, there I was!

Now, I'm staying at the Hong Kong Bible Research and Education Centre, which is the place for FTTHK, and Shatin district meetings. 

Today, I just remained at this place, and helped around in the cleaning service as there is a week-long perfecting training for 350 saints from China. Taking it free and easy at the moment :)

I'll be going to the Institute tomorrow with two sisters who are also studying there. More updates and photos soon!

Monday, August 16, 2010

6.40 a.m.

My dad is about to wake up.

From that sentence above, you should be able to surmise...

That I have been staying awake, as opposed to waking up uncharacteristically early.

There is no reason that I should be though (staying awake).

And since I'm awake, I should be editing my last freelance workbook. Or washing the bedding that I want to bring over to Hong Kong.

But I am not doing any of that.

In fact, I am not doing particularly anything.

Leaving me with heavy eyes without accomplishing anything. And I have some things to settle later when Mum wakes up. And the workbook to hand in later at night.

And on top of everything, I am very, very, very hungry.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

비의 소리

비의 소리.

The sound of the rain.

I think there are many people, who despite disliking being in the rain, actually like the sound of the rain. The tranquility that comes with it. A sound that drowns out other sounds in your head. A sound that makes all thoughts cease to exist. A sound that seems to wash, and bring new life in its wake.

I am one of these people.

I actually like the smell of the rain as well. Though it's debatable if rain actually has smell. It might actually be the smell of the freshly washed grass as rain falls on it. Then it would actually be, the smell of the earth.

Anyway, I have been going to this website this few days, just to listen. 

Now I shall bring this sound in my head and curl up to sleep...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Yes, I finally think I can update now.

Because I'm going.

Where? The question is. Hong Kong. The answer is.

After all the grand thoughts and sad days and waiting and planning and hoping, I have settled to go to Hong Kong. The place I'm going to is called The Hong Kong Institute of Education (香港教育學院). I'm going to do a 4-Year Full-time Bachelor in English (Honours) (English Language) - Primary Programme. I'm writing in simple direct sentences because I'm too lazy to think of composing my words :P Oh, how I wish I were one of those who were naturally amusing! (*forgive the drama)

The next question, I believe is - What? Why? Thought you were doing Architecture? Why do Education in Hong Kong?

Sigh... I suppose an explanation is due. In case anyone else asks in future, I can always direct them to this post, right? So... for reasons why I'm no longer doing Architecture, you can read this post here. After that is done, then you would know that my other interest lay in languages.

I wasn't searching for courses in Education actually. It was after I hit a lot of snags (financial, datelines) with language courses, that I had this question posed to me, "Would you consider doing Education?" I pondered. I thought, if I did languages, the road would either be translating the language, or teaching the language, right? If it was the latter, then a course in Education in a particular language makes sense, doesn't it?

As to why Hong Kong, actually I was just looking for more viable options. Since the US and UK are technically off-limits due to financial restraints, it meant that I had to look for somewhere nearer. I entertained the idea of going to Korea for a while, because I had been learning the language and was interested to continue pursuing it, but even Korea is too expensive without a scholarship. And Singapore is... so near. Hong Kong now, is further without being too far, and has the advantage of being an international hub, which brings to thought that there might be options to learn other languages there. Or, you could google "Why study in Hong Kong?".

Why English then? Because. That is what is offered.

Why would you do EDUCATION/ ENGLISH in HONG KONG? You can do that in Malaysia? Because.

I just don't want to study in Malaysia.

Not because of any bad reasons, really. It's just my personal dream of studying overseas.

So, I think I'm done explaining. All the itsy-bitsy stuff would take too long to write and I don't think anyone's interested anyway (those who are should already know...).

Final word - 18th August 2010 is the date I'm going! :D