Saturday, October 20, 2007

My Little Project

How many people nowadays have heard of cross stitch? That was the first question I wondered when I was inspired to post the progress of my little project on my blog... just thought it might be a little something which would encourage me to blog more often :P Since I'm not about to do an introduction (the pictures would do more than explain anyway), you can refer here.

Anyway... in the little unconventional way that I am, I actually like this kind of craftwork. So in view of how I have free time nowadays, and the itch to buy something new compelling, I dug out the old cross stitch pattern and threads I bought long, long, long time ago and started my project. It'd be fun to see how my pattern goes, no? Hehe... So here:

First, I stitched some reference points, marking the boundaries for easier counting.

And then this is 2 days later, sewing the grass patch at the bottom of the picture.

After the grass patch, sewed the brown patches, which are the shoes...

And then, the white and grey parts forming the robes slowly...

Unfortunately, I ran out of white thread. Will sew other portions where I can first. And also, when I'm not delayed from watching those addicting TVB dramas...

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