Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Portrait - Pencil 03

Searched for some photos online to draw. Celebrities was an easy choice since they have a flood of images to choose from. And it helps that they are not bad looking :P This week, we're supposed to draw a person who's looking in front but taken from the side angle. And I'm drawing:

Mike He - reference picture

My portrait

Some comments say that he doesn't look like him, but still a handsome guy LOL. And some say that he is even more handsome than the original. Wahahaha XD


a said...

haha the chin look more nicer than the original but the mata erm a bit weird...
dun pukul saya o

a branch in the vine said...

hahaha... yea the eyes are hard. Will improve more :)

pukul you with soft toy can?

a said...

pukul with soft toy means still pukul me beh
o next time u help the model wear the sunglasses then no need to draw the eyes beh
see im so brilliant. ^^!!!
u lagi mahu pukul saya ho muahahaha
gambatee for the eyes lo
u try put some feeling into the drawing see got any effect bo