I feel like I’m being caught into a hole
Sinking deeper and deeper
You’re making me confused
With this delicate web of conversation
You talk to me with an open air
Of our feelings, of what we see
And what we feel we need
In our future
It seems such an intimate topic
One to approach with care
So as to not overstep the line
Where we might burn, if we dare
Though perhaps me on the receiving end.
You ask me if there was
Someone who attracted me
When I hesitated you grabbed the chance
And asked my why my attraction
You made me so nervous
How do I tell you
That my someone was
is you
Tell you why you
Captivated me so
I dared not say too much
In fear that you will
Recognize yourself in my words
You’re hinting at some attraction
I’m so curious, yet I hold my breath
I feel you’re experiencing
Something you might not want to
Perhaps that’s why you’re telling me
And since you started, you continued to
You never chose to act like this
To speak with such freedom
Because you were afraid too,
Of danger if you did
The danger of someone getting too close
Yet you’re opening to me
It certainly seems that way
Does it mean you don’t think
Me a danger?
If so, I’m not sure
If you’re right.
Even though my mind knows not to,
I might still be in danger
Of not being able to keep a distance
To hold you away
Because I don't want to, not really.
If you allow me to
I’ll continue to listen to you
Try to stay afloat
Hopefully not betraying myself
If one day you knew
Though you warned me in words so clear
That my heart crossed the line
Silently tying itself to you
One day you pushed me away
Not wishing to cause me any pain
I'd wish to thank you
Though it'd not be possible
And I would still hurt
But only because I chose to
Because I had
Allowed you to make me laugh happier
Allowed you to make me cry sadder
Allowed you close enough to hurt
Know that
I never really dreamt of anything further
thisI only wished to care for you.